My pick this week is the American Psycho newspaper-zine from Benjamin Marra. I was hearing about this artist left, right, and centre at this year’s Toronto Comic Arts Festival so it is no surprise that this book is so good! Rendering choice scenes from the film, Marra has a heavily-inked …..

Graphic Novel Writing Workshop at University of Toronto

“Creating Comics and Graphic Novels” is a combination of theory and practice designed for writers/illustrators who are developing comic book or graphic novel projects. The course will provide students with an introduction to the amazingly diverse world of comics and daily workshops/assignments to develop their new comic works. This course will be co-taught by writer Mariko Tamaki (Skim, Emiko Superstar) …..

Adrian Tomine’s 32 Stories

My absolute favorite thing in the store right now is Adrian Tomine’s box set special edition of 32 Stories. I fell in love with his comics years ago but always wished I could get my hands on some of his original ‘zines. This boxed edition of 32 Stories is his …..

Wowee Zonk Volume 4

Featuring some of our favorite local artists, Wowee Zonk 4 is a new and ambitious experimental comic anthology that showcases some extremely unique approaches to narrative art and the comic format. Flipping through each page introduces a completely new and unique visual language that makes it totally worth it to …..

Recapping the Comics Vs Games Closing Party

On May 3rd, Magic Pony hosted the closing party of TIFF Nexus‘ Comics Vs. Games creative jam. The initiative celebrated the cooperation of game designers and comic artists to create 5 new games and explore new media art forms. The closing party was attended by game creators and artists, comic …..

TCAF Recap! An Inspiring Visual Experience

Toronto Comics and Arts Festival is an event that I most definitely look forward to each year. Thanks to the hard work from The Beguiling and all the participants and volunteers, it has united myself and many other fans with artists that we love and look up to. In the …..
