What Makes A Baby is an inclusive answer to the “where do babies come from” book that is applicable to all kinds of families. After being successfully funded by a Kickstartr campaign, this book by sex educator Cory Silverberg and illustrator Fiona Smyth has become a great response and tool for Canada’s changing family landscape.

For those of you who don’t know, Cory Silverberg is an author and founding member of Come as You Are Co-Operative. Fiona Smyth is an artist, illustrator, graphic novelist and OCAD U instructor. Corey and Fiona decided to make this book to help nurture the diversity and creativity of different families and individuals, and to create something that both acknowledges our differences and connects all of us together. Fiona works to create art that is accessible and that speaks truthfully of human experience. It is often about identity and empowerment, What Makes A Baby is the story of how humans are created without the traditional pre tense of “mommy+daddy+intercourse = you!”

Truthfully, there are many more ways that families are created and people are brought into the world . It might be by way of adoption or a surrogate, or a turkey baster and a friend, and sometimes people don’t grow and you need to try again.

The message behind What Makes A Baby isn’t how we were made, but more importantly, who was waiting for us when we arrive. Printed locally and made by a local artist and author, this book is a touching piece of Canadian art that everyone can learn from!

You can purchase the book via the book’s website or the online store for Come As You Are.